F.A.Q. - Frequently asked questions

  • How can I request a taxi to Olbia airport?: You can request a taxi to Olbia airport by calling +39 366 2000 156, by sending an email, or by using the form at the top right.
  • Can I book a Taxi?: Certainly, it is the best solution, it allows you to have the best rate and to be sure of finding a driver ready to welcome you as soon as you arrive at Olbia Costa Smeralda airport
  • Can I have the driver’s phone number?: Yes, on request after the booking has been confirmed
  • Is it possible to smoke during the journey?: No, it is expressly forbidden by the Italian law
  • Is the price quoted to be considered per person, or to be divided between all the passengers travelling?: The price is per journey, regardless of the number of passengers
  • What type of payment do you accept?: For booking a taxi we accept: Credit cards, debit cards, prepaid cards, cash according to legal regulations, PayPal.
  • If I book where will I find the driver?: Our Taxi driver will be waiting for you in the arrivals area of Olbia Costa Smeralda airport
  • Do you only do taxi runs to and from Olbia airport or also to other locations?: To and from Olbia airport and all the north of Sardinia
  • What types of vehicles do you have?: car, luxury car, van, minivan, bus
  • How much in advance should I book?: It is advisable to book at least 24 hours before the date you require the taxi
  • If I wanted to rent a car in Olbia Airport, to whom I could address?: It’s possible to rent a car in Olbia Airport with Only Sardinia Autonoleggio (with or without credit card)
  • Where is Olbia airport?: Olbia Costa Smeralda airport is located near the city centre, only 4 km away
  • Contact us for your best price at Olbia Airport Tel. +39 366 2000 156